Sunday, 11 January 2009

Google's Fitness Tip of the Day - spooky

I was just about to turn the computer off - I promise, when I scrolled down and noticed Google's fitness tip of the day is:

Surround yourself with people and things that remind you to live a healthy lifestyle.

That is so so so so so in the theme of my post, that I just wrote. So it was "in the air" to have that frame of mind.

This is the point of having a community of bloggers that touch base with each other.

The universe is with us :-)

Liska Life - over and out - for today x

Getting on with it, being inspired and getting out of that Egyptian river called Denial

3 blogs have inspired me.

During the week I could tell that where I had gone wrong was my lack of planning.

Reading a post from the final 15 made me realise my mistake. Metro 15 started planning her cupboards back on Saturday 3rd:

That day (3rd Jan), I got up early to go to the hairdressers, as one of my new year's resolutions was to use a Toni & Guy voucher I got for Xmas last year. Then when I came back home I took my Mum to a local hairdressers so she'd look nice for going back to Ireland and then we ended up having our nails done :-) Anyway, next day was taking her to the airport, and doing loads of housework once back, but I continue to be inspired by Metro 15.

Then yesterday, I went to "blogs of note" and stumbled across:
I immediately felt my heart open to leave a comment, about the fact that I felt inspired to write a letter to my Mum. Then today, I thought, yes.........later......

but here comes the 3rd bit of inspiration:

I was reading Nyce Noelle's blog at, when I discovered that she said:

I really appreciated the blog about letter writing. It gave me the courage
to finish a letter that I was wanting to send...

I thought Liska, get on with it, write that letter, so today, I finally wrote the letter to my Mum, as during weekdays, I am not very good at getting anything done, as I tend to do long hours at work. So it was today or never.

That wasn't the end of Noelle inspiring me though, as in the same post:

She said:
I feel a little bad because I meant to Blog however I have been so busy
accomplishing my goals I set out to do I did not have time!!!

This made me realise that I got fat because I was in denial, and I do nothing about it because I use avoidance tactics and I realised that my blog has BECOME another of life's avoidance tactics, so at just after 12 o'clock this afternoon I turned the computer off and organised things, so that me and hubby could go food shopping and since I got in, I have done loads of housework, which is such good exercise. So Noelle, thank you for inspiring me to get off my butt; it's meant I can eat healthy this week with all the right food in.

Hubby took me food shopping this afternoon, so I would have the right food in (that was my mistake last week) and the cupboards are finally clear of remnants of Xmas. So this afternoon I spent £80 on veg, more veg, brown rice, buckwheat, lemons, limes, salad etc........

In the last 3 hours I have drunk 3 litres of water. First litre and a half was with fresh lemon juice squeezed in and 2nd was with Innerlight Super Greens in. Trying to make sure I am a little alkaline ready to start big style tomorrow.

To put the above in perspective I will type a bit from "The PH Miracle for Weight Loss":
You must commit to getting all the water your body needs to be healthy, and at a
healthy weight. To that end, take a minute right now to figure out how much water you need, and plan how you're going to get it... Every day you need 1 litre of alkaline water for every 30 pounds you weigh. Thus a 210 pound person needs 7 litres a day.........
For anyone who has the book that is from page 191.

Last time I did it my skin felt fabulous, so I can't wait to be healthy again, and as I am on a strict time-frame, I think this is the healthiest and quickest option for me. Plus when I am being "green" I have alot more energy which could really come in handy. I have spent the last few months tired all the time. In September and October there was 5 weekends in a row where I spent at least one day (sometimes 2) completely vegging in pjamas.

Bye for now, I am going to turn the computer off soon and make myself a very healthy dinner.

Liska Life x