In the past I have given up coffee twice, each time for 8 months. In the 3 years I have been in my current job I have been unable to.
In the past I used to do a minimum of 2 detoxes a year. In the 3 years I have been in my current job, I have done 1, which was as recent as errrrrrr...... 2006! (Yep, shortly after joining).
When I started this job I was a size 14 in jeans - I am now a size 18 (although I like to think of myself as being a size 16, but 3 different fitting jeans confirm I am an 18).
Anyway, I know there is a link between stress and food, or at least in my case. And I also confirm what the web says... i.e. that when stress is the cause of weight gain, the gain tends to be around the middle! I used to be pear shaped and now I am a pear and an apple (as confirmed by this post).
BUT every year (for the last 3 years) I go to the Yoga Festival. 8 days of yogic food. And yet I do not cheat... other people smuggle in nuts or biscuits and I never do. I find it easy to do the yogic diet because I enjoy eating healthy food. I could crunch on celery sticks or pieces of water melon all day every day, but in a work environment noooooooooooo!!!!!
So, given that I cannot be in a yoga festival environment all year round, I need to break this link between stress/work/food...
Tonight really brought it home. Between 5 and 6.4o p.m. was quite stressful to say the least, and when I walked to the station, to get my train, the first thing I did was buy a baguette and a latte, even though I know caffeine makes sleeping difficult if I have it in the evening, and even though I am lactose intolerant (I think I like the warm internal fuzzy feeling a capuccino or latte gives me).
I find it incredibly easy to eat healthily on Saturday and Sunday..... but roll on Monday, and I have a problem......
I need to have a healthy JUNE as I am going to a wedding in Ireland on 17th July and I have to be trimmer then than I am now!
I am half a stone heavier now than I was on 1st Jan 2009.
Anyway, I just read this and I can relate to so so so much of it.......!
Anyway, have a read (click on "this" above) and let me know what you think. If you have beaten this battle and have words of wisdom for me, then please break the silence of yesterday and let me know...........
I am awaiting all of your advice and can't wait to hear your opinions on this.
Best wishes
Liska x