So I started the day with porridge (which I think I forgot to mention on yesterday's post). Yesterday I had the porridge at home, but then also had a bowl of fruit salad (as a 2nd breakfast when I got to work)... But today I had nothing at home, and had porridge with Victor at work, when I got in.
For lunch I had a long walk to Moorgate and back, followed by a healthy salad with a buttered jacket potato (even though it was a very very hot day - and then evening - I wanted something warming). Sounds funny but salad felt a bit like deprivation (don't get me wrong I normally LOVE salads). The mood I was in, it was like comfort food meant something warm.... I hope someone out there can relate to that.
I drank a few cups of peppermint tea again today (but I DID have a cappuccino on the way to work, and also had a cup of chai - which contains black tea - with my porridge when I got in).
Okay, so now for the confession:
On the way home I felt like getting off the train and buying a take-away of veggie burger and chips. I resisted temptation (in my head), but then phoned husband to let him know I'd be home early, only to be told he would be at his Mum's house all evening...... It was such a glorious evening this evening I was GUTTED when he told me that, but I resisted again (in my head). Got off the train and started to walk home, at which point one of the roads home was blocked by a scary dog! so I thought @£$K! this, it felt like the final straw, and I went and got the take-away, but it felt like I just needed an excuse.........
Anyway, after that sort of roller-coaster eating the food is normally an anti-climax and you normally wish you hadn't gone with temptation but I can honestly say, I enjoyed every mouthful........
So I will get back on the horse tomorrow and will not berate myself. Oh I did have a Pepsi with it even though I know the baddies that sodas contain!
Oh and husband is STILL not home yet which I am quite sad about. I have been home for 4 hours.
Liska x