Yesterday I moved desks at work, which takes me from being in the same room as the finance team, to being up a floor in the open plan office, just outside the MD's door.
So this morning on the way to work, it felt like a new day (new desk) so I went to Tesco on the way to work and bought all the ingredients for soup (I make raw soup in my Vita Mix which I permanently keep at work). Anyway that was an achievement in itself as I have not used it in ages. I also bought two lemons, so during the course of the morning I drunk mugs of hot water with lemon in it and it made me feel VERY good. I also had my usual bowl of ready brek with Victor.
Anyway during the course of the morning Zoe said "cup of tea Lis?" and I said yeah. So I had normal tea, with 2 biscuits and it gave me a cloggy groggy feeling an a fuzzy head, so I know what suits me......... (need to stay strict now).
Then at lunch I made the soup and ruined it (first time I have done that in 2 years). Basically I put too many basil leaves in. Too much avocado. No ginger or garlic (forgot to buy it), no bouillon ... etc... etc... BUT I still ate 2 bowls of it (plus 2 slices of toast) and it did keep me full for hours.
After work, me and Magdalena went for 1 pint (and as I haven't drunk in weeks it went straight to my head). The place we went to does really good food, so I had a thai vegetable curry and rice. So I came home full full full and for once will have fully digested my food before bedtime.
So my achievements today were:
* drinking lots of water
* drinking mugs of lemon water
* having soup for lunch
* acknowledging that the biscuits made me feel like poo
* and just a general feeling that I have indeed started something. The mental hurdles are as much a part of it with me!
I am going to try and have an early night tonight to follow My Peace's example..... so will sign this off shortly.
Bye, Liska