Recap on today.
I got a cappuccino from the coffee trailer on my train platform - yes I haven't 100% cut back yet, but have drastically reduced - once the £60, and then £80 a month for circuits starts I will be 100% off coffee (I am even going to try from tomorrow).
On way to work I bought a large fruit salad, so that was my first food consumption of the day.
At lunch time (12:30) Victor kept his promise (from his comment on my blog) and took me to Tesco (he had read my blog post "an interview with myself" and could see 11 and 3 were my difficult times).
At Tescos I bought celery, carrots, humus, a bag of spinach & rocket, a tub of coleslaw, a lovely ripe avocado, a red sweet pepper, and my colleague gave me a pita bread to have with it. I also bought a bag of mixed nuts.
So I mixed all of that on a plate and it totally satisfied me.
At the 3 p.m. that normally stumps me, I had 2 stalks of celery with humus. I also had a handful of nuts.
Oh, when I got in, there was salad in the fridge left over from the big huge bowl of salad I made for me and husband yesterday. So I made cous cous (which is a fab trick as it takes 5 minutes). I mixed the salad and cous cous and it was so delicious.
As I have had NO BLACK TEA all day (only caffeine was the coffee on way to work) I had a mug of yogi tea tonight. As a result I feel lovely and sleepy so I think I will have a lovely early night.
Sorry above is quite a boring post, but I wanted to proudly type up that I have stuck to things for a day.
Liska x