Just wanted to post an update. If you've been reading you'll know I wanted today to start:
* no wheat
* no dairy
* no meat
* no caffeine...
* no fizzy drinks
* no junk
So, I started the day by having my usual cappucino on my train platform. The poor excuse as to why was that I have a loyalty card and I had earned a free one, so I thought I will have that and start tomorrow....... good progress is that I had NO tea or coffee during the day, not even my ever so favourite chai which I normally have with the finance team. In the late afternoon I had 2 cups of green tea with my MD, and I know green tea contains caffeine, but I thought easy stages, why not. Not good to go cold turkey.
On the way to work I went to M&S to have some healthy food with me (ended up spending £11 in there and it is all gone - spent another £4 in there tonight!).
So instead of my usual ready brek (quick porridge) I had a bowl of fruit-salad with half a large carton of organic, plain probiotic yoghurt mixed in.
All throughout the morning I had lots of glasses of water with lemon juice squeezed in.
For lunch I had (1) half a bag of rocket to create a bed with (2) a M&S superfood salad on top - was delicious with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pomegranate, cous cous et... etc.... and (3) a beetroot side salad. With the 3 things, it was a taste explosion in the mouth but that was what I wanted so I wouldn't feel hard done by. I just need to prepare better so I make it rather than buy it as these ready made salads are far too costly and even more so if from M&S.
Then during the afternoon and morning I had nibbled on a bag of cashews. Mita came up to me and said eating nuts is not good if you are trying to lose weight to which I said: "in 2001 I lost 3 stone and I ate nuts every day". But after she walked away I looked at the packet = 650 calories - oooooooops and I DID finish the packet as much as I tried not to.
Then in evening Victor asked if I wanted to go for a drink (he'd had a bad day). We only had 1 glass of wine, but I had to go and order crisps with it.
So tonight I could beat myself up or think about my successes:
* water intake heavily UP
* caffeine intake heavily DOWN
* meat intake = zero
* wheat intake = zero
* cakes = zero
* biscuits = zero
* dairy = minimized but progress needed
* alcohol, although present was limited strictly to one glass.
I know I will be 100% tomorrow...... and I am not going to use 1 day's shortfalls to be an excuse to throw the towel in.
Nope, it is onwards and upwards and I feel great. Ate alot of fruit and veg today and my system feels good for it - the increased water intake suits me too.
On the way home I went to M&S and got another Superfoods salad, so that is what I have had for dinner tonight and I feel 100% satisfied, and I am here still drinking water. Remember you have to drink a litre of water for every 30 pounds you weigh, so for me I have to drink 6.5 litres of water a day if I hope to lose weight.
The reason I chose the photo I did, is with a mixed bag of success like I have described above, I feel like I have found the KEY to success, rather than the success itself, which eludes me, but WILL find me tomorrow
How are all of you?
Liska xxxxx