I want to interview myself....
1) So Liska, what usually sabotages you?
Unhealthy snacks, such as muffins, biscuits, cakes, goodies on the filing cabinet at work, nibblies that hubby puts in our cake cupboard.
2) What is it that makes you reach for these things?
Lack of availability of healthy options.
3) So what is this lack of availability caused by?
Lack of organisation and planning on my part.
4) When does this problem usually occur?
10.30 a.m. / 11.00 a.m. at work when hungry and same again at circa 3 p.m. Also, when just in from work.
5) Why does it strike at these times?
Because I am hungry between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner, and when I get in until dinner is prepared or ready.
6) Okay Liska you are usually a rational & logical person. Apply this logic to your eating... What really is the problem here?
It's easy, lack of preparation...
7) Okay, so IF YOU WERE PREPARED, what would your ideal situation be?
Okay, I love healthy stuff, I could much on almonds, or stalks of celery all day, ALL I need to do is buy them and have them available (N.B. Liska regularly buys celery and leaves it in the fridge AT HOME, when it needs to be at work and then only discovers it when it needs to be binned - this pattern repeats itself again and again and again...... yet Liska has the audacity to nibble on her bosses celery whenever she has the opportunity, much to her bosses disdain!)
8) When you have felt at your slimmest, best, and most energetic what have you been doing, in the past?
Drinking SuperGreens, doing MORE yoga, and eating healthily. Also, bread, alcohol, and tea & coffee free!
9) What stops you doing now what you KNOW has worked for you in the past?
Well....... I keep putting it down to stress, but the odd hour, or odd day, when there is no stress, I find distractions (T.V. etc....) so that I can distract myself from.... myself....!
10) So you need to have a good hard look at yourself in a mirror then?
OMG. Hubby wanted to come in here at about 9.30 p.m. and I said YOU CAN'T I NEED TO DO DAY 02 of the Wii ACTIVE 30 day challenge. I have already done day 01 three times and can't keep resetting it. THEN phone rung and a friend talked to me for about 20 minutes at which time I was brave enough to say it is 10 to 10 and I have to go as I was meant to do this exercise AND be in bed by 10.
OMG what has happened to me. Normally I would have let hubby come in and said hhhumpf if it wasn't for him I coulda got the exercise done.... or would have stomped off to bed after friend call, humpf, I didn't have the guts to tell her I need to get off the phone....
BUT NOPE in both situations I told the relevant people, I have my plans WOW WOW WOW.
And then, I started the Wii Active day 02 (result) and it should take 30 minutes but took me 37 and I should have burned a projected 170 calories but it said I burned 205........!!!
Way to go!!!!!!!!!
But I just had to come on here and document it, so now it is just gone 11 p.m. and my early night definitely escapes me.
AND straight after work I did 31 laps of the swimming pool.
AND I walked past my coffee man this morning (poor guy!)
Just weighed myself and I am no longer 14 stone. I am now 13 stone and 10 pounds.
I need to get back to the 13.5 stone of January. I need to get back to where I WAS before I can even progress (some NY resolution THAT was).
Anyway, onwards and UPWARDS.
Liska Life over and out.
Just checked back through my blog. On 29th May I was 13 stone 13 pounds and today I am 13 stone 10 pounds, so that is a THREE POUNDS WEIGHT LOSS.
Yip Yip Yippppppppeeeeeeeeee
Sorry, I am going to bed now, but I just noticed something REALLY funny....... On a post called "an interview with myself" I am writing comments to..... myself.....
I swear that was not intentional.
I just had to go on here to report my success with Wii Active and then I had to report the 3 pounds weight loss...
And then when I was just about to switch off the darn computer I thought OH DEAR, it's gonna look like you are talking to yourself.
Well guys I AM. I needed a darn good talking to!
Liska over and out for about the 4th time - hee hee
I have an idea. Why not buy your healthy foods and give them to your boss to dole out, while letting her pretend you are eating her healthy yum-yums. That seems to work well for you.
Too cute, Liska! Congratulations on your loss and self exploration. I get crazy cravings at the same time, too! I thought of you last night while contemplating falling off track. You rescued me! I love Wii... I should start using mine some more. I'm also considering stealing your celery at work idea!
I hope you take some of your own interview advice and put it to good use. We'll pop in to Tesco on Monday and I'll make you buy some of that healthy food you want for 11am and 3pm - You will have to lay off the naughty food though (you know what I'm talking about...)
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