Hello, is there anybody there? Got no comments yesterday so thought everyone had run away or gone into hibernation? ;-)
I worked on Saturday morning (went in for a Customer Focus Group) and then dashed from there to a baby shower so it was a pretty intense day and I got home very late. Was meant to spend whole of Sunday doing housework but just vegged out all day - shattered like a zombie.
Anyway, my Mum was always a martyr when I was growing up, and always put others needs before her own, and this rubbed off on me, and into my psychological make-up and DNA. She is not like that now, BUT she has lived in Ireland since 1994/1995 (where she was brought up - she moved back there after bringing me up in UK). Anyway, I haven't been sufficiently exposed to the new her....... (due to her in Ireland) so I am still influenced by the her of my upbringing........... this means I am inherently reluctant to do anything that could be remotely deemed selfish, and when I do, am easily thrown off course, or get defensive............
As this sounds like rambling I best give examples. If my paperwork at work builds up, I never take time out to get on top of it, as I feel like I should be in "service" mode at all times.... The other day, I thought I can't carry on like this, I need to go through my piles... file some things, shred some things etc..... Anyway I must have had a guilty conscience about it....... because although I was "selfish" enough to delve into my files in work time (normal me would normally stay late to do it if at all), the minute my boss said: "what are you doing?" I said: "that is exactly why I never do this, because I know someone will challenge me on it".......... she was like "where on earth did that reaction come from, and no need to be sooooooo defensive!".........
then we bickered a little, and then I said "please let's not row, I don't need a row" and she changed the subject and we ended up having a normal, cheerful conversation........
Anyway, on another similar note, because I offered to go into the Customer Focus Group I wasn't going to ask to take the time back, but because the early start meant I was shattered Sunday and got no housework done...... I emailed my boss yesterday and said tomorrow, can I work from home in the morning and then have the afternoon off as "time back" - she was like "yep no problem" but she emailed me to ask for a list of what I'd do at home in the morning...... I knew she was half joking but I duly emailed her the list AND kept her updated this morning on my progress.
As I have lunch with Victor everyday, he challenged me the other day when he heard I'd be taking time back today. He said "but you went to that Focus Group of your own free will" - I got defensive, but inhaled it and simply replied "Victor, I come to work everyday out of my own free will" - he said "good on you, I come for the wages" :-)
Anyway, after I did my morning working from home, strictly till 12:10, I then jumped in the shower and got dressed (I'd worked in PJs) and then walked, in the gorgeous mid-day sun to the supermarket to get the healthy ingredients I would need for a healthy dinner for me and hubby.
On the way to the supermarket, I stopped into a nail bar (the weather is amazing at the mo and I can't wear sandals due to state of my toes) and booked a pedicure and manicure, but for 2 o'clock.......
I knew I could go do the food shopping and come back, but I knew that would not take till 2, so I thought no problem, I will sit in somewhere for lunch, and then buy ingredients for salad dinner, and then come back to the nail bar.......
Anyway, the other day when Victor and I had our long walk to Moorgate (for him to pay in a cheque) we passed a cafe, with the smell of all day (fried) breakfast coming out....... we resisted temptation but the memory of the temptation and smell stayed with me, so this afternoon even though I was on my way to buy healthy food which I did buy, I did first of all order and eat a cooked breakfast, with ALL the trimmings...

This post was meant to be about all the housework I have done this afternoon which was such good exercise. As the weather is stunning I have all the windows flung open.....
But, yes, this self love versus self-ish, is a huge issue for me......... I feel the need to reply to emails, rather than keep my inbox and sent items tidy, I feel the need to serve others rather than myself........ I feel like when I was manufactured, the "to serve" function was given too high a listing in my make-up.......
I really hope someone out there can relate to me on this one......... BUT asking to work from home today and taking the half day off was a major thing for me as silly as it sounds....... and walking down the street, in the mid-day sun, on a week-day, when I should be at work felt like bliss (but there was a slight knot in my stomach saying: "Liska, you rebel!").
Bye for now, Liska LIFE!
Hi Liska! Good for you for taking your time back. You obviously work very hard and deserve every minute in the sun. I have the exact opposite problem. My mother was working a minimum of two jobs and paying the bills that none of her husbands seemed to be able to pay instead of doing any housework. Our house was always a mess, my clothes were always on wrong side out or backwards, and we never had a dinner cooked by her. Because she worked so hard, she was never home and always moody. As an adult, I find myself so busy with two jobs and classes and exams that I struggle to keep up with housework. I have a sense of entitlement that because I work so hard, I shouldn't have to do housework. Yikes! So, although I cannot completely relate to the stress you feel around taking time for yourself, I can relate to the maternal issues that trickle down through the generations. I'm glad you're finding your way through all of that.
I did stop to check out your post on Prior Fat Girl's post from yesterday and did enjoy much :)
oh oh oh I love working from home! I can take 2 minutes, throw a load of laundry in and then sit back down and get stuff done! I get so much more done at home but...I do miss the interactions with co-workers so choose not to work from home very often.
I did LOL with your paragraph on "going to work for the wages"... reading it back made me giggle - i am very blunt with my honesty, aren't I... he he he - You should take your time back more often though - it's good for you. Just as you should leave work on time regularly too... See you tomorrow.
Missy, you need to get a hold of your self. Don't be like me. By the time I was 50 I was such a martyr that I had just about decided I was the only person who would or could do anything. I needed to break away completely from the work world and was able to (it took several years) find a way to quit work completely and devote all my time to my art projects and my hubby. It took me about a year to admit to myself that I wasn't working from home, but had actually taken very early "retirement". Even now, I section my days into hours that I do housework and then time set aside for reading and the time specifically for projects. Years of being super efficient at work still spill over into my relaxation time.
I enjoy reading your blog, but am a bit confused sometimes by your lingo. Does taking time back mean the same as taking time off? And I had to look up what rocket was. But at least I'm learning from you.
Victor sounds like a real smarty pants, but in a fun way.
Hang in there and enjoy the rest of your week.
I love working from home and yes, sometimes I feel a bit naughty when I think of everyone stuck in the office. but its good to get out of there once in a while.
(Hijacked hubbies google account he!he!)
Hey honey - you so described me! I always feel the need to go that extra mile for everybody else, usually forgoing spending much time on me (take getting my hair cut for example - been thinking about it for weeks, but there's always something else to do);0)
-I Inherently need to make sure the people around me are all happy all the time (setting myself up for a fall I know, but can't help it!)in both my professional and personal life. Contrary to you feeling bad - really what I picked up from your blog was how rare it is for you to do something like that,taking some time back! I know how hard you work and I for 1 was really happy that you made the decision to get the things done you wanted to do. My hubby is right - you need to do it more!! Furthermore, Saturday may have proven a little hectic what with attending the feedback session in the morning - but why shouldn't you get to do some of the nice stuff too? You're problem solving skills are fab, but isn't it nice to ocassionally be associated with a scenario which is fundamentally a positive experience? - You put your heart and soul into everything you do and deserve a little re-establishment of a work-life balance. YOU GO GIRL!
Sorry for waffle and bad punctuation - Tatiana insisted on helping and kept typing, deleting and moving the cursor all over the place.
Emma XXX (oh! and salad did look delish!;0)
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