Yeah I have given up Blueberry scones form Starbucks. Its their stinking fault I gained the weight back! So needless to say I am a little mad at Blueberry scones right now! haha (artery hardening food) That will be exactly what I will think of them from now on! ;) Anytway I noticed you were a Yoga teacher! How exciting! My daughter is a figure skater and takes yoga. I have been very inactive however I did attend part of a yoga class on Sunday. When I was more active a few years ago I attended Birkman Yoga. I loved it and never felt better than at that time. One of my goals is to get back to it! Well TTYL ~Noelle
I just got home - went to a Nia class tonight. It is a dance class but based on many principles, including yoga. Really amazing x. Nicenoelle, thanks for your comments
Just for the sake of the archive, I did reply about the yoga video, but directly on Noelle's blog. Relatively new to blogging, but that seems to be the way it is done :-)
Hi there, If you have found me, you, like me, probably want to lose weight in 2009. It is not always a straight forward process and life gives us our ups and downs, and also we sometimes see the weight go up and down, but together, blogging and motivating each other, we can do it. I have this blog to be part of a community, and to provide myself with much needed accountability. Also provides an outlet for the thoughts and ramblings inside. Thanks for coming, Liska x
2021 Review Thingo
Belated happy new year, comrades! Here’s the thirteenth
annual instalment of Review Thingo. All previous episodes are here. 1. What
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I like being here in my cozy n...
Lonely for work
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is important to me. I even did a TED talk on this subject.
I've been in a trans...
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I may have brought this era in my online life to a close but I'm not
disappearing - I hope you'll...
Movin on....
All is well here. I'm having my house remodeled and haven't been to the
gym all summer. Currently dealing with aggravating heel pain. Doing to
the foot ...
Our Newer Sexier Site
Folks, we have finally embraced modernity and updated our website, as a
result this blog has moved to our *London Personal Trainer* website *here*
, where ...
I am a horrible blogger and feel so bad that I just up and left, and
stopped reading anything in my google reader. I cant complain - life is
good and I am...
kettlebells 101
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Gone to Soon - the Michael Jackson Memorial
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Yeah I have given up Blueberry scones form Starbucks. Its their stinking fault I gained the weight back! So needless to say I am a little mad at Blueberry scones right now! haha (artery hardening food) That will be exactly what I will think of them from now on! ;)
Anytway I noticed you were a Yoga teacher! How exciting! My daughter is a figure skater and takes yoga. I have been very inactive however I did attend part of a yoga class on Sunday. When I was more active a few years ago I attended Birkman Yoga. I loved it and never felt better than at that time. One of my goals is to get back to it! Well TTYL ~Noelle
Do you recomend a yoga video?
I just got home - went to a Nia class tonight. It is a dance class but based on many principles, including yoga. Really amazing x.
Nicenoelle, thanks for your comments
Just for the sake of the archive, I did reply about the yoga video, but directly on Noelle's blog. Relatively new to blogging, but that seems to be the way it is done :-)
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