During the week I could tell that where I had gone wrong was my lack of planning.
Reading a post from the final 15 made me realise my mistake. Metro 15 started planning her cupboards back on Saturday 3rd: http://metrofinal15.blogspot.com/2009/01/plan.html
That day (3rd Jan), I got up early to go to the hairdressers, as one of my new year's resolutions was to use a Toni & Guy voucher I got for Xmas last year. Then when I came back home I took my Mum to a local hairdressers so she'd look nice for going back to Ireland and then we ended up having our nails done :-) Anyway, next day was taking her to the airport, and doing loads of housework once back, but I continue to be inspired by Metro 15.
Then yesterday, I went to "blogs of note" and stumbled across:
I immediately felt my heart open to leave a comment, about the fact that I felt inspired to write a letter to my Mum. Then today, I thought, yes.........later......
but here comes the 3rd bit of inspiration:
I was reading Nyce Noelle's blog at http://nycenoelle.blogspot.com/, when I discovered that she said:
I really appreciated the blog about letter writing. It gave me the courage
to finish a letter that I was wanting to send...
I thought Liska, get on with it, write that letter, so today, I finally wrote the letter to my Mum, as during weekdays, I am not very good at getting anything done, as I tend to do long hours at work. So it was today or never.
That wasn't the end of Noelle inspiring me though, as in the same post:
She said:
I feel a little bad because I meant to Blog however I have been so busy
accomplishing my goals I set out to do I did not have time!!!
This made me realise that I got fat because I was in denial, and I do nothing about it because I use avoidance tactics and I realised that my blog has BECOME another of life's avoidance tactics, so at just after 12 o'clock this afternoon I turned the computer off and organised things, so that me and hubby could go food shopping and since I got in, I have done loads of housework, which is such good exercise. So Noelle, thank you for inspiring me to get off my butt; it's meant I can eat healthy this week with all the right food in.
Hubby took me food shopping this afternoon, so I would have the right food in (that was my mistake last week) and the cupboards are finally clear of remnants of Xmas. So this afternoon I spent £80 on veg, more veg, brown rice, buckwheat, lemons, limes, salad etc........
In the last 3 hours I have drunk 3 litres of water. First litre and a half was with fresh lemon juice squeezed in and 2nd was with Innerlight Super Greens in. Trying to make sure I am a little alkaline ready to start big style tomorrow.
To put the above in perspective I will type a bit from "The PH Miracle for Weight Loss":
You must commit to getting all the water your body needs to be healthy, and at aFor anyone who has the book that is from page 191.
healthy weight. To that end, take a minute right now to figure out how much water you need, and plan how you're going to get it... Every day you need 1 litre of alkaline water for every 30 pounds you weigh. Thus a 210 pound person needs 7 litres a day.........
Last time I did it my skin felt fabulous, so I can't wait to be healthy again, and as I am on a strict time-frame, I think this is the healthiest and quickest option for me. Plus when I am being "green" I have alot more energy which could really come in handy. I have spent the last few months tired all the time. In September and October there was 5 weekends in a row where I spent at least one day (sometimes 2) completely vegging in pjamas.
Bye for now, I am going to turn the computer off soon and make myself a very healthy dinner.
Liska Life x
1 comment:
Sounds like you are already off to a good start this week! And I so hear you about the energy thing, after just a week of better eating I feel so much more lively.
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