Well, I ended up going to Vigin Active twice in September - 3rd and 17th. At £110 a month (I am a member of a gorgeous CLASSIC CLUB) that means each visit cost me £55.
So October is NOT going to be like this - so on 2nd October, here I am already. And only prompted by my colleague saying let's go swimming after work. Those words were like SUCH music to my ears, that I said okay, I will find a way of buying a costume (I used to carry one in my bag every day in August but got out of the habit in September). So I rung Virgin Active and said "you know that area opposite reception that sells goggles, does it sell cossies?", to which they said "yeah, loads of them".
So I was all geared up and winding down my work ready for 5 p.m. (which I NEVER do, I am always at work late) and then my colleague announces she can no longer make it.
Anyhow as the cossies I have are from Marks & Spencer and more suited to Malta than the gym I decided to come anyway, and ended up spending £35 on a new sporty costume. And I loved the costume I chose, and really really enjoyed the pool. Me and my float (and my new costume of course) spent about an hour casually swimming up and down the slow lane. What a delight. Then the "icing on the cake" (my favourite phrase lately) was that I then went in the jaccuzzi, and then steam room and then sauna. Now....... I am at the Virgin Active computer writing this and am about to tuck into one of their salads, and have even bought a bar of Green & Blacks.
A different colleague today told me that I should start going to the gym again as I have a glow and a better energy around me when I do, so Candice, c'est moi, I am here and c'est bon!
Liska Life signing out. xxx
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