Well, as the work busy-ness starts to die down (not really, because now I just get busy with what wasn't being done while I was "busy")...
I now find I am equally busy in my evenigs (at least evenings are a thing that is starting to exist once again :-)...
So this week in summary is
Monday: Swim afer work. Ended up being a late one, as we smam for nearly an hour (at least 45 minutes), then jacuzzi, then steam room, then sauna, then shower.
Tuesday: work till 18:40 and then a mad mad dash to Oxford Street Debenhams (favourite shop) to buy a dress.
Wednesday: again a swim, followed by dinner at the Dorchester!
Thursday: Royal Bank of Scotland talk (will feedback once I have been to it) followed by a Casino Night (looking forward to it).
Friday: the mandatory teaching of my Kundalini Yoga class. The relaxing end to all my weeks.
Saturday: fly to Ireland.......!
So I have turned into one of those friends, who when asked to go out says "I can do a Thursday in 3 weeks time". Unfortunately, I have said that to 3 people, so probably I will have met all 3 by maybe January knowing me. And knowing my track record that might not even be 2009 either!
But as October is my "get a life!" month, maybe I could set myself a challenge and see all 3 of them in October. Now that would be something to be proud of.
Over and out for tonight.
Liska Life xxx
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